Mobile friendly, SEO Ready, Live Chat, Social Feed, Payment Gateway, Visitor Insights and more. Free Hosting, Free Business Emails with our yearly maintainence plan.

SEO Ready

All our websites are basic SEO ready (meta tags, robot.txt, sitemap) meaning website is optimized to appear on top of the search engine. Remember, there are other factors that contribute to search engine ranking. Contact us for our full service.

Mobile Responsive

Our websites are 100% responsive, meaning they are mobile friendly and work seamlessly on all devices including mobile, desktop and tab. 

Live Chat

Be reachable for your customer always. With live chat integration powered by tawk to, you get a hassle free online chat service.

Visitor Insights

Get insights using google analytics on who is visiting your website, what devices they are using, where are they located, how is your website performing and even how many new users you have acquired.

Social Media Feed

Attract more followers, get more business, engage your customers by showing facebook, twitter, instagram and you tube social media feed on your website.

Payment Gateway

Easy payment with paypal payment gateway integration. Receive online payment instantly.


Get a stunning website starting and grow your business. Ask for Free Hosting and Free Business Email with our yearly maintainence plan.



Standard 5-8 Sections

$ 150

100% Responsive website with 5-8 sections.

  • 5-8 Sections Or Pages
  • SEO Ready 
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Live Chat 
  • Social Media Feed
  • PayPal Payment Gateway
  • Google Analytics
  • Embedded Google Map 
  • 1 Month Support


Unlimited Pages

$ 250

100% Responsive website with unlimited pages.

  • Unlimited Pages
  • SEO Ready
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Social Media Feed
  • PayPal Payment Gateway
  • Google Analytics
  • Embedded Google Map
  • 1 Month Support


Static listing of products and price

$ 350

Unlimited Pages + Static listing

  • Unlimited Pages + Static listing
  • SEO Ready
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Social Media Feed
  • PayPal Payment Gateway
  • Google Analytics
  • Embedded Google Map
  • 1 Month Support


5-9 Sections + Blogging

$ 250

Standard 5-9 section. Website integrated with WordPress blogging.

  • 5-9 Sections + Blogging Capability
  • SEO Ready
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Social Media Feed
  • Payment Gateway
  • Google Analytics
  • Embedded Google Map
  • 1 Month Support


Unlimited Pages + Blogging

$ 350

Unlimited pages. Website integrated with WordPress blogging capability.

  • Unlimited Pages + Blogging
  • SEO Ready
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Social Media Feed
  • Payment Gateway
  • Google Analytics
  • Embedded Google Map
  • 1 Month Support


Advance design with full control over adding and removing product list and price.

$ 500

Dynamic WordPress website made with wooCommerce plugins.

  • Control Add/Remove Products/Price
  • SEO Ready
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Live Chat
  • Social Media Feed
  • Payment Gateway
  • Google Analytics
  • Embedded Google Map
  • 1 Month Support

Did not find what you need? Ask for our custom solutions.

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